Welcome to
The Cluster Page
Art: Ms. Picard
Music: Ms. Segarra
Physical Education: Mr. Lee
K-2 Science: Mrs. Delsoldato
3-5 Science: Mrs. Marte
PK-K Technology: Ms. Hernandez
1-5 Technology: Mr. Balaguer
Music Class with Ms. Segarra
Please check out my Virtual Music Classroom below. We have learned so much in music this year. Please click on some of the Music Stories on a book shelf to see a story we have read. Or click on one of the instruments to learn about how to play the Ukulele, guitar, piano, tambourine or drums. Click on the picture of sining children and watch and review some music singing games we may have played.
Physical Education with Mr. Lee
3-5 Science: Mrs. Marte
1-5 Technology: Mr. Balaguer