Olga Iris Flores, Parent Coordinator
718.898.6983 x1231
[email protected]
Dear Parents,
Welcome to your Parent Coordinator Page! My goal is to furnish you with information on your child, the school and all the wonderful things happening here at P.S. 212Q. I also have a parent distribution email list. If you're not already receiving my emails and would like to, please email your request to be added to the Parent Distribution List. Send me your child's name and class to [email protected] and I'll add you to my list.
Do you have any questions or concerns? Please feel free to come in and see me anytime. I look forward to seeing and hearing from you.
Have a lovely day!
Olga Iris Flores
Parent Coordinator
Welcome to your Parent Coordinator Page! My goal is to furnish you with information on your child, the school and all the wonderful things happening here at P.S. 212Q. I also have a parent distribution email list. If you're not already receiving my emails and would like to, please email your request to be added to the Parent Distribution List. Send me your child's name and class to [email protected] and I'll add you to my list.
Do you have any questions or concerns? Please feel free to come in and see me anytime. I look forward to seeing and hearing from you.
Have a lovely day!
Olga Iris Flores
Parent Coordinator